Sabtu, 24 April 2010


Pengantar Teknologi Web 4

Client-side programming

recall: HTML is good for developing static pages

can specify text/image layout, presentation, links, …

Web page looks the same each time it is accessed

in order to develop interactive/reactive pages, must integrate programming

Scripts vs. programs

a scripting language is a simple, interpreted programming language

scripts are embedded as plain text, interpreted by application

simpler execution model: don't need compiler or development environment

saves bandwidth: source code is downloaded, not compiled executable

platform-independence: code interpreted by any script-enabled browser

but: slower than compiled code, not as powerful/full-featured

Common scripting tasks

adding dynamic features to Web pages

validation of form data

image rollovers

time-sensitive or random page elements

handling cookies

defining programs with Web interfaces

utilize buttons, text boxes, clickable images, prompts, frames


JavaScript code can be embedded in a Web page using SCRIPT tags

the output of JavaScript code is displayed as if directly entered in HTML

Mencetak di halaman Web


Contoh Alert


“Dynamic” Client Side


JavaScript data types & variables

JavaScript has only three primitive data types

strings : "foo" 'howdy do' "I said 'hi'." ""

numbers : 12 3.14159 1.5E6

booleans : true false

JavaScript Math routines


Operator kontrol


User-defined functions

function definitions are similar to C++/Java, except:

no return type for the function (since variables are loosely typed)

no types for parameters (since variables are loosely typed)

by-value parameter passing only (parameter gets copy of argument)

Function example

JavaScript Strings

a class defines a new type (formally, Abstract Data Type)

encapsulates data (properties) and operations on that data (methods)

a String encapsulates a sequence of characters, enclosed in quotes

properties include

length : stores the number of characters in the string

methods include

charAt(index) : returns the character stored at the given index

(as in C++/Java, indices start at 0)

substring(start, end) : returns the part of the string between the start

(inclusive) and end (exclusive) indices

toUpperCase() : returns copy of string with letters uppercase

toLowerCase() : returns copy of string with letters lowercase

to create a string, assign using new or just make a direct assignment (new is implicit)

word = new String("foo"); word = "foo";

properties/methods are called exactly as in C++/Java

word.length word.charAt(0)

String example: palindromes

Date class

String & Array are the most commonly used classes in JavaScript

other, special purpose classes & objects also exist

the Date class can be used to access the date and time

to create a Date object, use new & supply year/month/day/… as desired

today = new Date(); // sets to current date & time

newYear = new Date(2002,0,1); //sets to Jan 1, 2002 12:00AM

methods include:

newYear.getYear() can access individual components of a date







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